BARC JRF Jobs|Notification 2023 for 105 Posts
BARC JRF Jobs Notification 2023 : The recruitment board members of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) have released the BARC JRF Jobs Notification 2023 on their official site So, those who have much interest to work as Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) should check out this article. And there are a total of 105 indicative BARC JRF Job Openings 2023. If you fulfill the given criteria, then you can submit the BARC JRF Online Form 2023 on or before the last date which is stated as 31st August 2023. Multiple Application Forms will not be entertained by the BARC officials.

Name: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)
Post Name: Junior Research Fellowships (JRF)
No.of Posts: 105
Qualification: Candidates should have consistently good academic records and should have secured a minimum of 60% aggregate in B.Sc. and 55% aggregate in M.Sc. from a recognized University. Further, you can check the official notification to know more information on the educational qualification.
Age Limit: The candidate must be an Indian national. The candidate should be less than 28 years of age as of the last date for receipt of the application. Age relaxation is applicable up to 3 years in case of Other Backward Class Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) applicants, 5 years in the case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe applicants, and 10 years in the case of persons with benchmark disabilities (PwBD) applicants.
The selected candidates will be initially taken as Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and will be paid a fellowship of 31,000/- per month. The fellowship will be provided initially for two years. Continuation of the fellowship is subject to satisfactory performance and review at the end of each year.
On satisfactory performance, the tenure of the Fellowship will be further extended and upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from the third year onwards with a fellowship of 35000/- per month (consolidated). The total period of the fellowship shall in no case exceed five years. They are entitled to a contingency grant including a book allowance of 40,000/- per year.
Selection Process:
- Applications will be scrutinized and candidates will be shortlisted for interview based on their academic performance and score obtained in the national qualifying exams. The recommendation/ decision of the Selection Committee will be final and binding.
- A first screening will be made based on the previous academic records of the applicants.
- A further shortlisting of candidates will be made based on their performance in the nationwide screening test (Qualifying Examination).
Application Fee: Application fee of 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) is payable at the time of submission of online application. The mode of payment of the Application Fee is only through Online mode using net banking/ debit card/ credit card, UPI, etc.
Important Dates:
Application Process | Started |
Closing Date | 31st August 2023 |